Here We Draw everyday

Here We Draw everyday

Friday, April 11, 2014

Threshold concepts: Structure

When learning the  fundamentals in drawing, there are gateways that the student must pass through in order to fully comprehend them.  I call these gateways threshold concepts. They are very important because they mark the students degree of understanding and performance. Here is an example I put together of a typical journey a student must go through in order to comprehend the fundamentals of structure.

Level Zero: The student has no idea about structure and is simply winging it. this leads to very inconsistent success.
Level One: The student is beginning to comprehend what structure is and drawing success is getting more consistent. 
Level Two: The Student is further developing the concept of structure but is still not quite getting it fully. The drawings are getting better and more consistent.
Level Three: The student finally, fully comprehends the concept of structure and has a solid drawing. Now that the student has passed through the threshold of understand the concept of structure, drawing consistency goes way up! A bonus is that the student actually thinks differently now that they have passed through this threshold.

Use this example as a gauge for yourself and how well you understand the fundamentals of drawing.

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