Here We Draw everyday

Here We Draw everyday

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My Process 02: Concept to Finish

 Here is how I go from napkin sketches to a completed render!
The Napkin Sketch: I Started with a hand full of  napkin sketches in order Familiarize myself with the design. Originally, I wanted to combine the flexible gesture of a feline with the head of a bird. I was not satisfied with the design for some time and needed to do further exploration.

The Three P's: After several rounds of sketches, this is what I finally came up with . For novel designs, it can take a while before I am familiar  enough to capture it with a simple line drawing. at this stage i have solved the three P's , the body's Plan, Posture, and Proportion.

The Fourth P, Perspective: Since this design will be interacting with 3d space i need to solve the perspective problem. I create simple volumes by making a planar analysis. 

Rendering Greyscale Pass: After several passes at form correction, I am familiar enough with the design to begin rendering it. as you can see I start my render in greyscale.

Rendering Color Pass: Once I am happy with the greyscale rendering I add color.

Rendering Texture and special Effects Pass: I am now ready to add the final touches to the design. This stage helps really
make it come alive.
Close up!

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