Here We Draw everyday

Here We Draw everyday

Saturday, March 15, 2014

D.M.A.C. Drawmore Massive Art Collaboration!

The Four Teams layout.

Welcome to the first D.M.A.C. Drawmore Massive Art Collaboration! I am hosting this collaborative effort on Instagram to connect artists with each other and motivate them to draw more. We are working together to develop a single character design. There are four focus groups that divide the work load. Each group may have up to 15 teammates. This is due to limitations of the Direct Message feature in Instagram.
The focus groups are as follows:

Red Team1: Proportions and basic gestures
The Red Team1 must create the body type, and overall style of the character. This is the foundation for
the entire Character design.

Purple Team2: Accessories, details and expressions
The Purple Team2 must develop all of the elements for the character as well as. This includes the following:
High heel boots
Elbow and knee pads
Chest armor
Rifle and handgun
Cargo equipment.
This also includes facial details like expressions, face type, and hairstyle. Other details and accessories may be explored as well.

Green Team3: Action Poses
The Green Team3 must develop 4 action poses the poses are meant to convey the character in her environment in order to better understand the design. The essential four poses are as follows:
  1. Casual aiming reclined pose propped between two stationary objects for support
  2. Sexy aiming pose
  3. Injured arm limping pose
  4. Run and Gun Pose
Other action poses may be explored for further character development

Brown Team4 Full Illustration
the Brown Team4 must develop ideas for a finished illustration. The concept is the character is searching for a target she must terminate. The boss she has to find ends up finding her instead. She ignores him as she doesn’t find him a threat and keeps on searching. The boss is frustrated and had a mental break down. The scene plays out according to story boarding ideas. The Brown team must develop the boss and environment as well as a basic idea of the main character

White team5
The white team is just me. I take all the ideas and compile a fully realized character design. 
Some proportion exploration by the red team
First sketch of the character
A more developed sketch with armor

team roster as of 3/14/2014